Don’t Give Up! All is not lost.

It’s amazing how easy it is to fall into a heap and allow your negative self talk to take over and keep you in a stagnant, dark place that you feel you’ll never recover from. I know I’ve been there.

The incessant ruminating on how you’re worthless. Nothing you can do will change this and there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Or at least not one that you can see at this moment in time.

Don’t give up! All is not lost.

It is possible to emerge from the deep despair and find hope. However, you need to do it slowly and with lots of self care. Rushing things will only send you backwards. Take it easy and pace yourself.

All it needs is something to inspire you to get you on the road to rediscovering joy and your true essence that you thought you’d lost forever.

It could be a book someone recommends, a quote that you read or hearing of someone else’s healing experience that motivates you to take action to shift your mindset.

To get myself out of the darkness, I reached out for support and took myself on a steady journey to :

  • peel back the layers of negative self talk,

  • find the true source of where these unsupportive concepts came from and

  • reframing them with compassion.

Then I could feel more alive and motivated about my life and the direction it was going in once more.

You too can achieve this transformation with my Targeted Transformation Program. It offers eleven weeks of focusing on you and how to get you from stagnant to energised once more.

Here’s what Jacqui, one of my clients, said about my Targeted Transformation program:

I’m completely amazed at what I’ve achieved, particularly while riding the waves of grief. If I hadn’t undertaken this work and had your support, Jackie, I believe I would be in a very dark place right now. Jackie’s approach was exactly what I required to make a change in an area of my life that led to less anxiety and increased confidence and happiness.

Click here to request a Discovery Call now and find out how to gain the skills to feel upbeat and hopeful about the world again.


Learn about my Target Transformation Program and how it can empower you to overcome your challenges then you can look forward to what lies ahead!

Video Interview

Find out more about me and the unique way I support my clients in this video here.


Let go of What Ifs and If Only’s


Steps to go from struggle to success