Another Year Over, And What Have You Done?

Merry Christmas

Well, can you believe it, it’s almost Christmas and 2024 is fast approaching!

It’s time to reflect on the year that has been and acknowledge the trials and tribulations plus the achievements and joyful moments. I’m sure there have been many highs that may have been overlooked.

The question is, although another year is over, what have you done to invest in yourself?

I’ve supported a number of clients bring about personal change through my Targeted Transformation Program. I acknowledge them for their willingness to invest in themselves to create a more enriched approach to their lives.

Here's what one of them had to say.

“I’m so grateful for your guidance and treatments. It’s very promising to be making progress in my healing journey. I’ve surprised myself. My stress is reduced and I’m creating healthier reactions. Thank you so much for everything you’ve helped me learn and achieve on my healing journey. You’ve been a wonderful support and I am forever grateful.” Cassie

For myself, I’ve taken the conscious decision to pace myself and the number of clients I see. As I continue to work part time in another job and although I love seeing clients and being a mentor, I know that I too need to look after myself too. Then you can get the best out of me.

It’s been an interesting year with a few setbacks – I revisited my burnout symptoms at one point which was quite distressing, however I always knew I would work through it.

Overall, it’s been a steady year where I created a better balance, especially with personal time out and connections. I have made more of an effort to socialise and be accepting of other’s differences. My tolerance levels have increased dramatically and I’m less hard on myself. This makes for a better flow rather than forcing situations or being false.

Know that I am here for you, whether you want to experience the amazing possibilities for change through my Transformation Program or a simple need to unwind with a Reiki healing. I will do my best to support you.

I will be taking a small number of new clients in 2024.

Click here to book in now as there is limited availability.

This will be my last newsletter for 2023.

I’d like to wish you and your loved ones a peaceful Christmas and that 2024 brings optimism and boundless opportunities.


Learn about my Target Transformation Program and how it can empower you to overcome your challenges then you can look forward to what lies ahead!

Video Interview

Find out more about me and the unique way I support my clients in this video here.


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