Spring: Sow-Nurture-Grow

Don’t you love spring? After the short, cold, grey days of winter where it’s easy to stay indoors, the longer, brighter days and bursts of colour everywhere are intoxicating. You have to make the most of it and get outside! Immerse yourself in the sights and smells that are all around you to invigorate your soul.

It’s also an opportunity to reflect and release any emotional baggage you’ve been holding on to and consider fresh beginnings. As with a plant you need to sow the seeds of what you want to grow, nurture the ideas and allow them to flourish – slowly and steadily. Then you have the means to create lasting, sustainable change to enrich your life.

Doing things differently to how you’ve always done them is not easy! I know. I had been an efficient, perfectionist for most of my life but this isn’t sustainable anymore. I’m never going to reach my unrealistic standards of what perfection looks like. My revised focus is to allow the 80% rule. That is, 80% effort is enough. This then gives me the capacity to do a bit extra if required but only in emergencies – not as part of my normal day to day.

I’ve gone through some emotional turmoil to get to this decision. After enduring considerable stress, grief and numbing anxiety over the last 18 months I hit a brick wall three months ago and was forced to give myself some invaluable time out. Although I’ve felt enormous guilt, shame and self doubt it has allowed me to reevaluate my life and how I put too much pressure on myself.

I’m now taking the advice I offer my clients by indulging in some regular self care. This will enable me to heal more deeply. The new shoots are looking good and I’m hopeful they can grow stronger and nourish me for a long time to come!

If I can continue to create positive transformations in my life through experiencing a set back, so can you. I have a wonderful support network and know that realistic change is only possible if you reach out to others to be beside you as you venture into unknown territory.

Healing is always possible but it’s not always pretty. The raw emotions that can present themselves are confronting. However, if you are willing to have a go, and have someone to guide you, miracles can happen. You will feel lighter and more empowered if you do.

My 11 week Targeted Transformation Program is designed specifically to inspire you with tailored activities so you can lessen the sense of overwhelm and look forward to getting out of bed in the morning.

Click here to have a discovery call with me and let’s explore how the Program can return you to the happy go lucky, fun loving person you used to be.


“Finding yourself again is never easy. You feel lost, lonely and a lot of the time sad. It is a big step to know that it’s time to get better, but once you realise that the first step is choosing to get better and going out and finding that support the rest will come. It is not easy. It is a challenge, BUT it is possible! You are only finding your path, you are not alone and you will be happy. It will be okay and you can overcome this. Don’t be scared to ask for help and know that you are amazing!” Cynthia Melchiorre

Video Interview

To find out more about me and the unique ways I support my clients and Reiki students you can watch this video here.


Healing Isn’t Pretty


Three Steps to Regain Your Inner Balance