Healing Isn’t Pretty
Have you realised that when you are under pressure or feel challenged you react in ways that are familiar but don’t necessarily make the situation any better? Like each time you freeze when there’s confrontation and fear standing up for yourself because you hate the rejection? So you say to yourself “I’ll speak up next time” but don’t do anything. Then you beat yourself up. This simply reinforces your sense of worthlessness and self doubt. And the cycle continues.
When you are ready to heal beyond your limiting beliefs it will take time. Also, the healing process isn’t pretty.
As with any activity which requires you to rewire your age old habits, your ego (aka inner child) will be there to do the best they can to stop you. You cannot get rid of your ego, as it’s an intrinsic part of you. However, the secret is to love your ego into compliance.
This means making small adjustments in how you respond to testing situations. Each time congratulating yourself when you do things differently no matter how small. It’s vital to consciously note the difference. Then the ego can accept that this is OK and safe. There’ll be less resistance making the transformation more sustainable.
Unfortunately, a byproduct of these modifications, no matter how gentle you are with yourself, is a letting go of emotions that you have been storing for most of your life. This can be incredibly confronting and painful. However, it is achievable if you have support whilst you navigate the process of investing in your new behaviours.
My 11 week Targeted Transformation Program is designed specifically to equip you with new skills and techniques so you can break the circuit of these patterns and discover priceless personal freedom and lightness. Then you can confidently have open and honest communication in your relationship so no one has to walk on eggshells any more!
Click here to book a discovery call with me and let’s explore how the Program can enhance your intimate relationship.
“The Transformation Program picks up and shines a light on certain aspects of the way you think and behave (that you may not be aware of) and which are actually not benefiting you. Once you are aware, you can take control and the results are truly phenomenal.” Roberta Abba
Video Interview
To find out more about me and the unique ways I support my clients and Reiki students you can watch this video here.