You Are Not Your Past

How often do you give yourself a hard time for the things you didn’t do or how you responded to situations in the past? Sometimes even as far back as your childhood. Things like – if I’d only done so and so this would not have happened, or if I’d had the courage to speak up my life would be different now?

You are where you are and have survived whatever adversity confronted you then. Remember that you are not your past. The past may have shaped who you are now but you have the ability to move beyond it. Trust that you can transform the limiting self belief concepts from then into new opportunities so you can move forward in your life. Then you can wake up each day with optimism and hope to what lies ahead of you.

You create your own possibility and purpose. The potential you can discover once you offload the baggage that has been dragging you down all this time is invaluable.

No one else can do this for you. However, having some tailored support and guidance goes a long way to achieving this.

This is why I created my 7 Week Targeted Transformation Program. It will enable you to

  • nut out the limiting values that are running in the background within your subconscious,

  • bring them into the open then

  • offer magical insights so you can create a new exciting belief system that’s perfectly aligned to how you wish to live your life, now and in the future.

To make this transformation a reality you need to be willing to commit to yourself and have the confidence to trust that with my encouragement and wisdom you can achieve this.

Here’s what one of my Program clients said at the end of their 7 weeks:
“The Transformation Program picks up and shines a light on certain aspects of the way you think and behave (that you may not be aware of) and which are actually not benefiting you.
Once you are aware, you can take control and the results are truly phenomenal.”, Roberta, Montmorency

Don’t wait any longer. You will gain so much from your investment and wonder what took you so long to create the changes you so desperately desire.

I exclusively work with a small number of clients at a time so book in now for a complimentary chat to see if this program will bring about the changes you crave by completing the form here.



I think most of us go along in life completely unconscious, until something happens that smacks us in the face and makes us wake up. We work in jobs that we just fell into, rather than jobs we actually want. We spend our time doing things we “have to” rather than what we want to do with our days. We find ourselves overweight because we’ve been eating the food we’ve been eating for years and never really thinking about it. My work with Jackie has brought about consciousness – why I am the way I am, why I do the things I do and why I react in the moment the way I do. After completing the 7 week program, I have a better understanding of myself, I’m less stressed, need less sleep and feel more energised. - Jackie O’Brien


You Are The Most Important Person In Your Life


Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway