Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway
Did you know that from a physiological perspective there’s little difference between fear and excitement? With excitement you’re willing to take action, with fear you are held back. So I recommend you feel the fear and do it anyway. After all, how will you know if it’ll work out or not if you don’t have a go?
It’s unfortunate that as a spiritual being experiencing a human existence we forget that we have choices and freewill. Nothing happens in your life without you having made a decision, or chosen not to and allowed yourself to be a victim. You are responsible for how you respond to what happens in your life and you have more control over things than you think.
The challenge is to accept that you are not a servant to your mind, your mind is there to serve you.
The skill you need is to bring your wayward thoughts under control, and for that to happen you will need some support and some slightly unconventional methods.
My 7 week Targeted Transformation Program is essential if you’ve hit a brick wall and the fear of staying where you are is worse than the fear of change.
I will gently guide you to a place of sanity, calmness and optimism. Then you’ll have the clarity to understand where you want to take your life and feel empowered with renewed self confidence so you can get there.
Don’t continue as you are any longer or you could end up on antidepressants, as many people are, and dependent on others to make you feel worthy.
You need to act now before it’s too late and you can’t function effectively then risk having a breakdown. I know how this feels as I’ve been there.
You will gain so much from your investment and wonder what took you so long to create the changes you so desperately need.
I exclusively work with a small number of clients at a time so book in now for a complimentary chat to see if this program will bring about the changes you desperately desire by completing the form here.
“I now remind myself that I am whole and complete and not lacking, therefore I do not need to feel pressured by expectations of what I think I “should” be like.
At the end of each day, I practice gratitude and remind myself that I did all I could do to the best of my ability and that is enough.” Clarisse Slater