Don’t Spend Your Life Planning and Forget to Live in the Moment

Do you have so many things to juggle that you spend all your time planning for the future?

Desperately working out what needs to happen and worrying whether you can fit it all in?

It’s easy to get caught in the never ending cycle of keeping on top of the to do list and not actually being aware of what is happening in the present moment.

It’s at times like this that you can miss out on the simple joys and opportunities that could be presenting themselves to enrich your life. Yet you miss out, oblivious to the possibilities.

It’s time to take stock and have some time in the here and now.

I know it’s not always easy. Planning can become a habit. You may not realise it’s what you are doing.

If you struggle to stay present and able to relax, then I recommend learning Reiki.

As an expert planner myself, I know how easy it is to get carried away in the minute details. However, once I learned Reiki I was able to appreciate the benefits this subtly powerful and relaxing healing modality can bring -

  • A calmer mind.

  • Clarity of thought.

  • Reduced anxiety.

  • Capacity to be present with the people you love.

I will be teaching the transformative Self Understanding with Reiki Level One program in February 2025 over three Friday mornings. This new format spreads the learning and allows you to assimilate everything without becoming overwhelmed. The feedback from my students is very positive.

“I loved the structure, the mix of activities, the opportunities provided and feeling very supported and nurtured. The workshop over the three sessions also provided great opportunity to practice and was not overwhelming”,

Renata, Coburg

This is your chance to invest in yourself and your self care. Then you can manage your responsibilities with ease.
Everyone around you will benefit from the new you as they don’t need to worry about you exploding at the slightest thing. Your calm aura will allow your loved ones to be more open and supportive too.

How wonderful would that be?

However, numbers are strictly limited.

Don’t miss out!

Before you get caught up in the Christmas madness click here to reserve your place now.

Then you can relax knowing you have this opportunity of a lifetime lined up to equip you with the skills and knowledge to become the serene goddess that is hiding within you.


Learn about my Target Transformation Program and how it can empower you to overcome your challenges then you can look forward to what lies ahead!

Video Interview

Find out more about me and the unique way I support my clients in this video here.

Write a Google review for Jackie here.


Invest In Yourself This Christmas


Rediscover Your Purpose - One Step at a Time