Have You Made Any New Year’s Resolutions?

Well, you’ve got through 2020. Hopefully, in one piece.

Welcome to 2021!

May it will be calmer and more stable than 2020.

Have you made any New Year’s resolutions yet? Or have you decided it’s not worth it as you never know what’s around the corner given we’re still influenced by the pandemic?

Here are three things you can do for yourself in 2021 which can be achieved.

1. Allow yourself some regular time out.

It doesn’t have to be big stuff like monthly weekend retreats or anything like that, simply have quiet time in your day to reflect. Give yourself 10-15 minutes a few times a week. You’re worth at least this.

2. Practice gratitude.

Again, it doesn’t have to be lots of gushing stuff. Be aware and truly appreciate the little things in life which make your days a lot easier. I know having my car is invaluable for the independence and flexibility it gives me. What little things do you have that make your life that much smoother?

3. Appreciate the love you have around you.

Another thing you may be taking for granted is the love and support you have in your life. Take a moment to acknowledgement this directly. The person on the receiving end will appreciate it, even if it’s your pet!

It’s been proven., the more you change your mindset i.e. thoughts, to ones that are uplifting the happier you will feel. So, for 2021, start small and begin with something that you can easily do to bring more joy into your life using the suggestions above.

How you feel starts with you.

This is the foundation of my Targeted Transformation Program. It puts you in the driving seat with me beside you for support as you work through your challenges to achieve your goal.

Now is the perfect time to put what you want to achieve to the top of your to do list.

Complete the Discovery Call request here for a complementary chat on how this unique Targeted Transformation Program can be the breakthrough you need to change your life.



“My experience with Jackie has been incredible! Jackie really took the time to get to know me, my values, my goals, etc so that she could provide thoughtful and specific feedback. After the session she emailed me the activities to keep me on track and provides lots of resources to help me along my journey. For the first time in a while my mind feels free and I know exactly how to move forward!” Jacqui O’Brien


Reiki Workshops

The first Reiki Workshop will be a Reiki Two workshop on 16-17 January 2021.
Click here for details and to register.


Staying the Same is Easy. Change takes Effort


You Are The Most Important Person In Your Life