It’s Winter – Time to Rest and Reflect

How are you feeling?

Are the shorter grey days and cold getting you down?

Winter is a time to rest and reflect on where you’re at and what you’ve achieved so far in your life.

It’s easy to brush aside your achievements, large or small.  Your challenges and the things that aren’t going well will have more precedence in your mind.

Take a moment to reflect.

You are stronger and more capable than you give yourself credit for.  Give yourself permission to have some time out to review your life so far:-

  • Your childhood – all that you endured,

  • Early adulthood – stumbling along and wondering where you fit in the world,

  • Getting older – what is life all about anyway?

Ponder on all you’ve experienced, how you’ve overcome adversity on more than one occasion.  You’re still here, doing the best you can with the skills and knowledge you’ve gained in that time!

Commend yourself for your courage and strength.

Life will always have its ups and downs.  That’s the joy of being human.  You are here to experience all emotions, so don’t get upset when you feel you’re having too many unpleasant ones. Remind yourself that it won’t always be like this. 

With some self-compassion and a willingness to have a go at doing things differently you can create lasting positive change.

I developed my Targeted Transformation Program specifically to support you in achieving this.  There is nothing you cannot overcome with some focused guidance and gentle support. Then you can turn your life around to be in the direction you want it to go.

Now is the perfect time to set things in motion.

Here's what one of my clients had to say.

“Jackie has been invaluable in helping me through some difficult times in my life, some of which are still ongoing. She always explains things very clearly to help you understand why things happen and how to get through them. She always listens with an open mind and is never judgemental. She is always willing to help and my life is so much better for having met her. Thank you Jackie.”
Emma, Bundoora.

Sign up here to discover how my Targeted Transformation Program can be the solution you need to get your life back on track working for you instead of against you. 

You’ll wonder what took you so long to take the plunge.


Learn about my Target Transformation Program and how it can empower you to overcome your challenges then you can look forward to what lies ahead!

Video Interview

Find out more about me and the unique way I support my clients in this video here.

Write a Google review for Jackie here.


When Required, Take Time Out


Make Putting Yourself First Non-negotiable